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About Green Vision

Green Vision is an innovative API and website that visualizes the percentage of greenery around your location, providing users with a clear image of the environmental health of their area. Our mission is to increase the presence of greenery, plants, and trees in urban spaces, promoting a healthier and more sustainable future for everyone.

Why Greenery Matters

Did you know that plants produce oxygen, which is essential for human survival? In fact, a single mature tree can produce enough oxygen to support two human beings for a year!

Join Us in Our Mission

Explore your local environment with Green Vision and increase the greenery around you. Together, we can create a cleaner and greener planet.

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Green Vision API

The Green Vision API provides an easy way to access data about greenery in your area. By leveraging the power of location data, you can visualize and analyze the percentage of greenery around any given location.

API Endpoint

You can access the Green Vision API at the following endpoint:


To use the API, send a request with the latitude and longitude of the location you want to analyze:

const serverUrl = ''; const imageUrl = `${serverUrl}/detect_greenery?latitude=${latitude}&longitude=${longitude}`;
